Option #1
Monavie registration - $39
One case of product (4 bottles of juice) - $125-$146 (let's say $125)
TL155 "Drink it, Feel it, Share it" (brochure pack) $20
Team Website subscription (Free 1st month) *
Total = $184 plus tax & shipping
Option # 2
Monavie registration - $39
"Leadership" product bundle (6 bottles of juice and case of energy drinks) - $280
TL155 "Drink it, Feel it, Share it" (brochure pack) - $20
Team Website subscription (Free 1st month) *
Total = $339 plus tax & shipping
* After the first month it's $19.95 per month or $60 every 4 months
Then..... we have the "System" which people are encouraged to "Get Started" with right away! I mean... really, you wouldn't get started in McDonald's and not use their system would you? Let's take a look at what that'll cost you.
Before you see what options await you, understand that CD's are valued at $6 a piece, and books are estimated at $15 each, however this is subject to change depending on the book.
"Basic" Package
8 CD's per month = $48
1 Book of the month = $15
Team Website per month = $19.95
Total = $82.95 Per Month (plus tax & shipping)**
"Power Player" Package
12 CD's per month = $72
1 Book of the month = $15
Team Website per month = $19.95
Total = $106.95 Per Month (plus tax & shipping)
"Leadership" Package
16 CD's per month = $96
1 Book of the month = $15
Team Website per month = $19.95
Total = $130.95 Per Month (plus tax & shipping)
** Items are shipped every two weeks so they get you on the shipping charge twice!
Now....you can "Add On" some additional items that I'm sure will explode your "Business" further:
- A Standing Order Seminar Ticket - $25 each (add two if your married)
- A DVD of the Month - $10
- A Leadership Book of the Month - $ 15 (Estimated again)
- All Grace Outreach Pack (Christian Faith teachings, One CD & Book a month) - $21
- A Major Leadership Ticket (Every 4 Months, add two if your married) - $90
Did I miss anything? So for those keeping track at home....if you are a "Leader" and "All In" on this thing. You'll get everything you can....like I did for 6 years! Here was the bottom line for me:
"Leadership" Package = $130.95
Two Standing order tickets - $50
DVD of the month - $10
Leadership Book of the Month - $15
All Grace Outreach Pack - $21
Website Per Month - $19.95
Two Cases of Purple Juice - $250 (approx after shipping)
Total - $496.90 (plus tax & shipping)
That's $500 at least....every month! Plus $180 every fourth month for a Major Leadership! This is not including my gas, food, extra CD's for handing out to prospects, the weekly $5 fee for open meetings (add another $5 to that if your married), and last but not least.....what is YOUR TIME worth? I could rant on, and on here....but I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. These numbers are accurate according to the Team website as of April 25th 2011. I would recommend if you know anyone being prospected by Team, and they are not being told the facts.....refer them to this post! The facts are here for all to see.....and it's not pretty!